Transforming your food and beverage brand to unparalleled heights.
Magnolia University
Magnolia University is the education arm of Flavors, a culinary hub which provides commercial kitchen and pop-up restaurant workspaces and resources for food and beverage brands to innovate and elevate their products and services. The programs and services offered through MU are specifically designed for BIPOC food and beverage entrepreneurs who seek the necessary skills to grow and scale a profitable hospitality business. The programs are aimed at strengthening these entrepreneurs to build solid brands which thrive and are consistently profitable, professionally run, and have clear systems in place.
Brand Strategy, Apparel Design, Print Design, Advertisement, Presentation Templates, Social Media Design

During our creative journey with Magnolia University, our design mission was to encapsulate the program's ethos of instruction, inspiration, and business acumen in the culinary arts. Our approach centered on integrating vivid visuals of cooking, food, and beverages, thoughtfully tailored to resonate with the program's talented audience. We placed a strong emphasis on showcasing intricate food textures and fine details, of the business of bringing food and beverages to life.

Electric Blue
Powerful Orange
Blanched Collards
Hex: #0028FF
Hex: #FF4400
Hex: #3AE6D6
Hex: #2E7739

The photography is high-quality, true to the culinary creative, and tailored to the specific needs and objectives of businesses in the food industry. Photography that effectively conveys the brand's spirit and enhances the learning experience is essential.
We utilized full-color images with neutral color palettes, along with images that include colors that pair with Magnolia University's color palette. We encapsulate our images within arch-shaped frames or paint swatches, creating an engaging visual experience.
Inside the Design

League spartan
Open sans