Empowering everyone who experiences their company to embrace their identity and live life on their own terms.
Brand Identity Design, Book Cover Design, Brand Collateral
UnCloned Media, LLC is a woman-owned and operated media company that creates various products, services, events, and unique experiences designed to show individuals how to LIVE UnCloned® in life and business. Here, they believe in no fear. No conforming. No societal norms. No BullS**t. It’s time to change the world.

Audria Richmond is a marketing genius, speaker, and author. When she approached us to create the brand identity for UnCloned Life®, we were excited because of the limitless possibility for this brand that exemplified personal freedom and challenging the norms. UnCloned Life® was going to be a movement, an anti-brand, and the masthead of her personal brand, book, and service offerings. The logotype, was illustrated with Dolly The Sheep in mind. Dolly was the first sheep to be cloned.